This is a recording of a presentation given by Jenny Hartung and Saebra Pipoly at the 2019 PATH Intl. Region 10 Conference.
Continuing Education Information: This presentation was granted "CR ALL" by the PATH Intl. Office and focuses on equine welfare and management. Part 1 & 2= 2.4 of educational learning.
Certificate of Completion available! Watch Part 1 and Part 2 AND complete the short review quizzes to receive a Certificate of Completion showing 2.4 hours of learning. Your Certificate of Completion will be available on this page.
naughty: adjective naugh·ty | \ ˈnȯ-tē , ˈnä-\naughtier; naughtiest
Definition of naughty 1a: guilty of disobedience or misbehavior, a naughty child b archaic: vicious in moral character : WICKED
– Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Have you ever had a horse be ‘naughty’ in a class? Have you seen bad behaviors like nipping, ear pinning or even kicking? Are your lesson horses just ‘not right’ or unsound?
You are not alone!
This two part presentation (lecture and arena) will delve into the common problems instructors and programs face on a daily basis and help participants troubleshoot what they are seeing to find the root cause of what they are seeing in their horses. Our horses are the backbone of our lessons and we can’t do what we do without them. So how do we keep our horses happy, healthy and working years to come?
A huge thank you to the host facility, Stable Strides, and to the attendees for allowing us to record this presentation so others can benefit from the information.
Naughty Horses Part Handout- document download available on Part 1
Sample Equine Wellness Checklist- document download on Part 2
External Resources:
- This Horse Was Euthanized For Aggressive Behavior….Then His Necropsy Photo Showed Why – The Horseaholic
- Saddle Fit and “Girth Galls” • Schleese
- (1) We have another equine gastric… – All Horses Veterinary Services | Facebook
- The influence of rider:horse bodyweight ratio and rider‐horse‐saddle fit on equine gait and behaviour: A pilot study (
Course Content
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I really enjoyed the second part of this presentation because it really made you think about how the horse feels when we ask them/make them do something even though we have missed the “whispers” they’ve given us about an ailment they have. I know I will be even more mindful of watching and listening for these whispers, not only in our horses but in the volunteers, staff, and students as well.
I’m glad you enjoyed the presentation!
This was a great hands on workshop to watch. Thank so much for sharing your experience!
I’m glad you enjoyed the video! It was so much fun presenting with Jenny!