Analyzing the impact horse movement, build, and tack have on the rider.

How do you solve the equation (or puzzle?) of what horse and tack works best for each student?

How do you know if a horse’s build and movement is the right match for a rider?

How do you know what type of tack or equipment your student should ride in?

How do you know if your rider’s “poor” position can be corrected or if it is a continual issue because the horse and/or tack is putting them in that position?

Videos will evaluate the movement of a horse with various riders and differing equipment.

Why did we choose to evaluate one horse with different riders and equipment?

Instructors can develop and refine their “eye” for riders’ posture/alignment, position of pelvis,range of motion, and ability to follow movement thus improving instructor’s ability to make the best horse and tack choices for their riders. Observing multiple horse/tack/rider combinations helps to develop this “eye” over time.

Because every rider is unique and is impacted by the horse’s unique movement in a different way.

Different tack and equipment can change how the movement of one horse translates to the rider. The same rider on the same horse may look completely different in a pad set vs. dressage saddle vs. western saddle.

Who are we evaluating?

Please note that this is a GROWING series! This series will have additional videos added over time as the Instructors evaluate and record various horse/tack/rider combinations!

We will be evaluating MANY different horses! Click on each horse’s ‘series’ below to see their profile and general information.

  • Horse Profile Sample:
    • Breed:
    • Sex:
    • Height:
    • Weight:
    • Age:
    • Training:
    • Past Injuries:

We will also provide a rider profile for each person that is recorded on the horse.

  • Rider Profile Sample:
    • Age:
    • Sex:
    • Height:
    • Weight:
    • Diagnosis and/or Past Injuries:

Additional Resources:

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 10 Topics
