The Art of Training Adaptive/Therapeutic Riding Instructors

1.5 Day Clinic Format: Friday, August 30 from 3:00-6:30 PM Pacific and Saturday, August 31 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Pacific

g only about things as they apply to the PATH Intl. CTRI process. What I will be sharing are tried and true methods for instructor training in general….And for those of you looking to help your instructors in training be successful in upcoming certifications, I promise that it will directly apply to success during the certification process for PATH Intl. CTRI, CHA-IRD, and other certifying organizations in the USA, Canada, and internationally! Why? Because creating a strong, thinking instructor makes for a solid candidate for certification! 

Meet Your Instructors

Saebra Pipoly

PATH Intl: ATRI, CTRI, ESMHL & recognized Mentor, CTRI Evaluator/Faculty /// CHA-IRD: Master Instructor, IRD Certifier

Saebra lives in Arizona and owns and operates Hoof Falls & Footfalls, LLC, where she not only operates an in-person inclusive program (traditional, adaptive, and EAL lessons) but also specializes in providing resources and education to adaptive/therapeutic riding instructors. She grew up living and breathing everything horse and has spent her career dedicated to the EAS industry. Saebra has a passion for building up other instructors to be the best they can be so they can go out and impact countless lives by teaching their
students and mentoring other instructors. Her focus is to pass on “how” and “why” instructors implement solid teaching techniques in every lesson. Saebra also emphasizes prioritizing the wellbeing of the equines in each lesson and the importance of instructors understanding horse and human mechanics, psychology, and learning theory. All these pieces come together to equip and empower instructors to provide quality, safe, and engaging lessons that challenge students to progress towards the most independences possible.

Dionne Newton

PATH Intl: ATRI, CTRI, ESMHL & recognized Mentor /// CHA-IRD: Certified Instructor

Dionne began volunteering in EAS in 2007. As a life-long equestrian with a degree in education, she quickly discovered that EAS was the perfect way to combine her love of
teaching and horses. She jumped right in and obtained her PATH Intl. Registered Instructor Certification six months later and immediately began teaching adaptive riding
lessons. Over the years she has added PATH Intl. Advanced Instructor, Mentor,
ESMHL, and CHA-IRD to her credentials and held nearly every possible position in the
EAS industry. She is passionate about mentoring others pursuing certification as well as those looking
to increase their knowledge and become better instructors. She offers online and in-
person mentoring services through Ability Centered Horsemanship. She truly believes,
“When one teaches, two learn”.

Other Important Information:

  • Once purchased, registration is final and is non-refundable. If you are no longer able to attend you are welcome to transfer the clinic registration to another individual. Please allow HF&F 24-48 hours to process your request.
  • If you miss the live workshop you can still watch the replay and get access to the supporting information during the bonus week of extended access. If you also miss the bonus extended access week you will only be able to watch a replay if you are a paying IIC member.
  • A meeting reminder email will be sent TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS associated with your account/registration. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check this email address for more information regarding the live meeting.
