The Physics of Matching Rider and Horse (CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE)

Presented by Jenny Nell Hartung

Continuing Education Information: Completing all parts of this presentation will result in the member completing 2 hours of education focused on instruction techniques, disability education, horse conformation, and theory behind choosing mounts for students.

Certificate of Completion available! Watch Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 and complete the short review quizzes to receive a Certificate of Completion showing 2 hours of learning that focused on instruction techniques, disability education, horse conformation, and theory behind choosing mounts for students. Please note that you will not be able to mark a video as ‘complete’ until you have completed the full time of the video there is a back end course timer). Your Certificate of Completion will be available on this page!

What Will You Learn?

Part 1- Human Bodies

  • Learn the difference between ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph body types
  • Understand how body types can impact horse selection
  • Understand the importance of matching the width of the pelvis to the build of the horse
  • Understand where height differences in your riders come from
  • Practice identifying the different body types in various individuals
  • Understand the difference and impact of lower leg, upper leg, and torso length

Part 2- Horse Conformation

  • Learn the different shapes made by the horse’s rib cage and back and their impact on the rider
  • Learn the different shapes made by the horse’s rib cage and back and their impact on the rider
  • Understand the difference of how balanced, downhill, and uphill built horses may impact the rider
  • Understand how riders with typical muscle tone may change their body in response to the balance of the horse

Part 3- Putting it all Together with Emphasis on Abnormal Muscle Tone

  • What is muscle tone?
  • Learn the difference between hypotonia, spasticity, hypertonia, and clonus
  • Learn what disabilities may present with abnormal muscle tone
  • Understand how abnormal muscle tone impacts your rider
  • Learn how the stretch reflex may impact muscle tone
  • Learn commonly accepted practices to increase muscle tone while riding
  • Learn commonly accepted practices to decrease muscle tone while riding

This presentation was offered at an International conference in 2015 and was a group project. Jenny would like to recognize the following individuals for their contributions to the original compilation and presentation of this topic:

  • Original Course & Content Design: Jenny Nell Hartung, Sandy Webster
  • Original Team Leaders: Teresa Morris, Marsha Anderson, Octavia Brown, Marci Bender
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • 3 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate
